Changing Times: Germany in 20th-Century Europe. Les Temps Qui Changent: L'Allemagne Dans L'Europe Du 20e Siecle
Changing Times: Germany in 20th-Century Europe. Les Temps Qui Changent: L'Allemagne Dans L'Europe Du 20e Siecle
By:Jürgen Elvert,Sylvain Schirmann
Published on 2008 by Peter Lang
Proceedings of the doctoral summer seminar, Changing times. Germany in 20th-Century Europe: Continuity, Evolution and Breakdowns, organised by the European Academy of Yuste Foundation in cooperation with the SEGEI network, in the Royal Monastery of Yuste and Palace of Charles V (10th-15th September 2007). Actes du seminaire doctoral d'ete, - Les temps qui changent. L'Allemagne dans l'Europe du 20e siecle: Continuite, evolution et rupture -, organise par la Fondation Academie Europeenne de Yuste et le reseau SEGEI dans le Monastere Royal de Yuste et le Palais de Charles Quint (du 10 au 15 septembre 2007).|
This Book was ranked at 19 by Google Books for keyword The President.
Book ID of Changing Times: Germany in 20th-Century Europe. Les Temps Qui Changent: L'Allemagne Dans L'Europe Du 20e Siecle's Books is pUPWsbVGKxkC, Book which was written byJürgen Elvert,Sylvain Schirmannhave ETAG "xSJHsKHqo1Y"
Book which was published by Peter Lang since 2008 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9789052014838 and ISBN 10 Code is 9052014833
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