Operación Teherán
Operación Teherán
By:Joel C. Rosenberg
Published on 2012-05-01 by Tyndale Espanol
El mundo está al borde del desastre y el reloj está avanzando. Irán acaba de realizar su primera prueba atómica. Millones de musulmanes alrededor del mundo están convencidos de que su Mesías, conocido como “El Duodécimo Imán” acaba de llegar a la tierra. Los líderes israelitas temen que Teherán, bajo el encanto del Duodécimo Imán, pronto lanzará un ataque nuclear que podría producir un segundo holocausto y la aniquilación de Israel. La Casa Blanca teme que Jerusalén golpeará primero lanzando un ataque preventivo contra los complejos nucleares de Irán que podrían incendiar el Medio Oriente, disparar los precios del petróleo y desplomar la economía global. Asumiendo grandes riesgos y con pocas opciones viables, el presidente de Estados Unidos ordena al agente de la CIA David Shirazi y a su equipo que localicen y saboteen las instalaciones nucleares de Irán, antes de que Irán o Israel se lancen en un primer ataque aniquilador. The world is on the brink of disaster and the clock is ticking. Iran has just conducted its first atomic weapons test. Millions of Muslims around the world are convinced their messiah—known as “The Twelfth Imam”—has just arrived on earth. Israeli leaders fear Tehran, under the Twelfth Imam's spell, will soon launch a nuclear attack that could bring about a second holocaust and the annihilation of Israel. The White House fears Jerusalem will strike first, launching a preemptive attack against Iran's nuclear facilities that could cause the entire Middle East to go up in flames, oil prices to skyrocket, and the global economy to collapse. With the stakes high and few viable options left, the president of the United States orders CIA operative David Shirazi and his team to track down and sabotage Iran's nuclear warheads before Iran or Israel can launch a devastating first strike.
This Book was ranked at 33 by Google Books for keyword The President.
Book ID of Operación Teherán's Books is HsmY_QpOYX4C, Book which was written byJoel C. Rosenberghave ETAG "xGY41GCBOHc"
Book which was published by Tyndale Espanol since 2012-05-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781414378374 and ISBN 10 Code is 1414378378
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "496 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction
This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in es
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true
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